February 6th, 2014


Maureen Faulkner Not Allowed to Speak at Senate Hearing for Murderer’s Lawyer

The wife of a brutally murdered police officer was denied the right to speak out in a Senate committee hearing against the nomination of the lawyer who defended her husband’s murderer to the Department of Justice.

She spoke to Megyn Kelly tonight about her campaign to prevent Debo Adegbile from being confirmed for a top civil rights post at the Justice Department.

Adegbile’s nomination was approved by a key Senate Judiciary Committee panel, and now the vote heads to the Senate floor.

Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner was shot six times in 1981 by Mumia Abu-Jamal, who was convicted of the murder and sentenced to death for the crime. Faulkner’s wife, Maureen, claims that then-NAACP defense lawyer Debo Adegbile “personally took on” Abu-Jamal’s case and had his death sentence overturned. Abu-Jamal remains imprisoned in Pennsylvania.

“This man chose to particularly pick out this case,” Maureen Faulkner told Megyn Kelly, “And him and his attorneys not only defended this case, but they touted this murderer on what a wonderful person he is.”

Maureen Faulkner says she will be at the full Senate hearing in protest of Adegbile’s confirmation.